By Sandy Abell
Posted Positive Vibes — Checking
John – I had mentioned last week that I am starting to say no a lot more than I used to – and believe me, I used to say no quite frequently. You called it boundary-setting. It is gotten even [...]
John – I had mentioned last week that I am starting to say no a lot more than I used to – and believe me, I used to say no quite frequently. You called it boundary-setting. It is gotten even [...]
Setting boundaries. Figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t, and then being able to say yes to the things that are good for you, and say no to those that don’t.
whatever happens to you, good or bad, it’s a result of your decisions and choices. If you don’t like where you are, do something differently.
Others have the same feelings, wants, needs and insecurities as we all do, and sharing your appreciation, gratitude and positive thoughts might just make their day.
Let go of the struggle/suffer philosophy, tune in to what feels right, and move ahead into a place that feels good and works well for you.
Do you sometimes feel invisible? Does it seem like people only notice you when they want something from you, and they ignore you or disappear when you have a need or want of your own? This is a [...]
We all make mistakes, make poor decisions, do the wrong thing, and often hurt others in the process. The important thing is to see what you’re doing and how you’re impacting yourself and the [...]
When you are wise enough to surround yourself with people who exemplify the positive things you were taught and believe to be true, you want to fit in with them, so will notice and catch yourself [...]
John: I was at a gathering recently where we were talking about open office spaces. I had seen one at a recent location I had been to. Colleagues were quiet; respectful of each other’s space, but [...]
John: I grew up in a very small town in Western, NY. I was raised by two very hardworking parents. I have one sister, who I have grown closer to in recent years. When I was younger, I didn’t [...]
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