POSITIVE VIBES — Let the Water Calm
John: Sandy, Goke tells the story of an old Buddha. was traveling from one town to the next with his followers. They happened to pass a lake. The Buddha told one of his disciples, “I am thirsty. [...]
John: Sandy, Goke tells the story of an old Buddha. was traveling from one town to the next with his followers. They happened to pass a lake. The Buddha told one of his disciples, “I am thirsty. [...]
John: I was reminded over the past three days how beautiful and fragile life is. Last weekend, Kel and I went to a wedding for my oldest and dearest friend. I stood up for him in his bridal party [...]
John: What if I sleep in today and I am a late or worse, I miss it? What if I don’t get everything done today and I let my team down and my boss thinks I am a loser? What if my investments are [...]
John: Here is a full confession. I don’t believe perfection exists at all. I have a theory. I can do something perfectly or I can do something that is good enough. Things that fall into the [...]
John – For the longest time, all I ever wanted was a stable home. When I was growing up my house was filled with chaos; organized chaos would be a better characteristic. There was a lot of [...]
John: When I was younger, I used to think I had a lot of friends. But I really didn’t. I had a great group of friends when I as growing up, a bunch of neighborhood kids that I always ran with, [...]
John: As I recently explained to Sandy in an earlier post, I am working very hard on being mindful. Eliminating multitasking and doing one thing at a time, the most important thing that can be [...]
John: I don’t want to struggle for the sake of struggle. I think that’s dumb. Some of what we see as struggle is really just paralysis and bad decisions by choice. Back in the day, you could go [...]
John: Goke tells the story of two monks – Tanzan and Ekido were once traveling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was still falling. Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a [...]
John: Kelly tells me more times than I would care to admit, “John, shut the refrigerator door; John, please take the bowl out of the sink and put it in the dishwasher like I asked you; John, I [...]
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