My Reputation With Me!
Good self-esteem is the cornerstone of a healthy, happy life. When I didn’t have it, life was difficult. Now that I have it, I know I’m capable and strong enough to deal with whatever may come [...]
Good self-esteem is the cornerstone of a healthy, happy life. When I didn’t have it, life was difficult. Now that I have it, I know I’m capable and strong enough to deal with whatever may come [...]
John: Sandy, we were talking about congruence last week, when we do as we say and say what we do. I wonder why this is hard? It isn’t. It seems like basic follow through. How do you get [...]
Recently I’ve been going slightly stir crazy. With the coronavirus sweeping the land, and the resulting mandatory social distancing, I’m not sure what to do with myself. I’m used to waking up [...]
I think this lock down situation is a great opportunity for us to learn how to be open and vulnerable with the people we are close to (and are probably the only people we can spend time with [...]
whatever happens to you, good or bad, it’s a result of your decisions and choices. If you don’t like where you are, do something differently.
Let go of the struggle/suffer philosophy, tune in to what feels right, and move ahead into a place that feels good and works well for you.
John: I was at a gathering recently where we were talking about open office spaces. I had seen one at a recent location I had been to. Colleagues were quiet; respectful of each other’s space, but [...]
John: Goldfarb recently posted a piece in the Journal of Clinical Research Best Practices about Fear and Longing in Clinical Research. He was at a recent conference talking about how the clinical [...]
John: Instead of trying to fix yourself, what if you just accepted yourself as you were. Of course, you can make changes to improve behaviors, but you should be happy when you look in the mirror [...]
Do you occasionally find yourself thinking or feeling something negative about another person or yourself? If you do, you’re not alone. No matter how loving, kind, thoughtful and smart you are, [...]
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