How Do You Talk To Yourself?
Mike is a smart, motivated entrepreneur who came to me for coaching because no matter what he did, he couldn’t seem to make his business successful.
Mike is a smart, motivated entrepreneur who came to me for coaching because no matter what he did, he couldn’t seem to make his business successful.
Others have the same feelings, wants, needs and insecurities as we all do, and sharing your appreciation, gratitude and positive thoughts might just make their day.
Let go of the struggle/suffer philosophy, tune in to what feels right, and move ahead into a place that feels good and works well for you.
When you are wise enough to surround yourself with people who exemplify the positive things you were taught and believe to be true, you want to fit in with them, so will notice and catch yourself [...]
The reality is that it’s up to each of us to take responsibility for where we are in our lives. Not only emotionally, but also financially, physically, professionally, in relationships, and [...]
These days it seems like everywhere I look, somebody is talking about attitude. Attitude is defined as a way of thinking or feeling about something or someone, and we all have attitudes about [...]
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