Move Ahead In Your Business And Personal Life
This page contains a list of FREE information and worksheets that will help you move ahead in your business and personal life. Please enjoy them and share them with your friends and colleagues.
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Business Plan Guide
This is a guide and a working document. You can use it to create your Business Plan, and also use it monthly to see how well you have achieved your goals.
Communication – Listening Skills
This is a list of techniques and skills that will help you to be an effective listener.
Communication – Open-Ended Questions
These are examples of questions that make you think, because they cannot be answered with a simple yes or no.
Empowering Questions
An empowering question is one that opens up possibilities and implies that something can happen.
Organizational Chart
This is a sample of a simple Organization Chart. It’s for your use as a guideline as you create a more specific one for your business.
Values Clarification
This is a worksheet to help you become clear about your personal and business values.
Mission Statement – Business
This is a worksheet to help you create your business mission statement. Click for EXAMPLES.
Communication – Speaking Skills
This is a list of techniques and skills that will help you to be an effective speaker.
Customer Service Checklist
The Customer Service Checklist is designed to evaluate your business from your clients’ point of view. It allows you to see what your customers’ experience when they come to your office or shop. It can be filled out by a secret shopper, a trusted friend, or by you (if you fill it out remember to be completely objective). Once completed it will give you an accurate picture of what your clients’ encounter when they patronize your business.
Leadership Skills
Here is a list of several qualities that are common to all effective leaders.
We’ve Always Done It This Way
People and businesses often fail to grow because those in charge are focused on how things have always been, rather than being open to new, more efficient options. This worksheet will help you evaluate if you are still doing things because they are most efficient and effective, or just because you’ve always done them that way.
Vision Statement – Business
This is a worksheet to help you create a vision for your business.
Coach Yourself To Success
When you aren’t able to work with a Coach you can still effectively coach yourself. Here are some tips to guide you as you coach yourself to success.
The Elevator Speech
This is an exercise to help you describe your business and the benefit of what you do.
Management Skills
This is a list of several skills that are utilized by all effective managers.
Ten Ways To Create A Positive Work Environment
Having a positive work environment impacts everything that happens in the workplace. Here are several things you can do to make yours as inviting and supportive as possible.
Quieting Response
The Quieting Response is a brief exercise to do when you feel under stress and want to react instead of respond.
Guilt and Worry
This exercise will assist you in looking at where guilt fits into your life and help you decide if you wish to keep it there.
Goal Setting Guide
This is a worksheet to help you create your goals, and the strategies and action plans that will make them a reality.
Parental Values, Expectations and Beliefs
This exercise is designed to help you become aware of some of the parental expectations and values you learned as a child.
Transition, Grief & Loss – Stages
There are several stages we go through when we experience a life change. We go through the grief process for both positive and negative changes, and sometimes it helps to be aware of what they are.
Letting Go
Letting Go is a reminder about the things we can impact and the things we can’t.
Mission Statement – Personal
This is a worksheet to help you create your personal mission statement.
Relaxation Techniques
This worksheet will guide you through exercises for relaxation.
Transition, Grief & Loss – Steps in Recovery
This page outlines several things we can do to help ourselves or others move through the grief process.
Vision Statement – Personal
This is a worksheet to help you create a vision for your life.
Life Purpose Worksheet
This worksheet will help you become clear on your life purpose.
Needs – What are yours?
This worksheet will help you become aware of your personal needs
Tolerations List
Tolerations are the things or situations in your life that annoy you or make your life more difficult or frustrating, and drain your energy. This is a worksheet to help you identify the things you are tolerating in your work and personal life.
Values Clarification
This is a worksheet to help you become clear about your personal and business values.
The following is a variety of thoughts, ideas, and inspirational quotes that are simple but profound. They have helped my clients over the years, and I’m delighted to share them with you. They are also fun. Enjoy!
The best thing you can do is get very good at being you!
Dennis The Menace
The difference between having a vision and living your vision is action!
Winston Connor
ACCEPT CHANGE “We cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning; for what in the morning was true will in evening become a lie.”
Carl Jung
Seek first to understand; only then to be understood.
Chinese Proverb
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming – WOW! — What A Ride!
Author Unknown
You don’t stop laughing because you grow old — you grow old because you stopped laughing. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.
Henry Ford
Maintaining a complicated life is a great way to avoid changing it.
Elaine St. James
Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
Dale Carnegie
Don’t look for reasons to condemn, look for reasons to commend. It’s easy to find the wrong in someone. It is more difficult, but so much more important, to find the good. Be patient with people … most of them are really trying!
Lloyd Campbell
Inside every older person is a younger person — wondering what the heck happened.
Cora Harvey Armstrong
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller 1880-1968

Is your life “OK”, but not quite what you want it to be? Are you dealing with a life change that has shifted your course or impacted how you feel about yourself or what your role is?
We’d like to invite you to consider talking with a Life Coach.

Are you the owner of a Small Business, a Professional, CEO, Senior Executive, HR Professional or Manager who wants to bring out the best in yourself and your staff or improve your skills?
We’d like to invite you to consider working with a Business Coach.

Are you a Business Owner, Leader or Entrepreneur who would like to share ideas and solutions?
We’d like to invite you to join a Mastermind Group, where you to discuss challenges and find practical solutions to tough problems.

Sandra V. Abell, the owner of Inside Jobs Coaching Company, is a best selling author, speaker, business and life Coach, Licensed Counselor, and Certified Coach who has been in private practice for over 25 years. Sandy has degrees in psychology and sociology, and is a graduate of Coach University in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
She is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a certified coach with the International Coach Foundation, and she specializes in working with business owners, professionals, entrepreneurs and people in transition. She is also the author of the best selling book Feeling Good About You.
Sandy is offering you a Free 30 Minute Coaching Call so you can experience what Coaching will do for you.