5 Easy Steps to Happiness

 In Change, Character, Communication, Conflict, Goals, Relationships, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem

Many people believe that happiness is related to success, achievements, money and possessions. However, you may find that after a short period of feeling proud of your achievements, you might then feel let down, empty or even lost. So, you set another goal and continue to want more, falling into the “If only” life, saying, “I would be happy if only I did this, or had that.”

However, happiness isn’t something you get, it’s something you make. Happiness is about attitudes and choices. It’s never about stuff! You have the option of focusing on the positive things in your life, rather than on the negative.

You can look at your blessings – what you have right now, or choose only to see what you are lacking.  Along with that comes the result of being happy and content, or feeling miserable and depressed.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you need to do away with your vision and goals, or stop striving to improve your professional or personal situation. It simply means you aren’t devastated if you don’t achieve a specific goal, and that nothing that happens can alter how positive you feel about your life.

Choosing to be happy is something you can do, regardless of what you have. The following are 5 steps you can take to find the joy in your life and be happy.

  1. Actively appreciate all the wonderful things in your life. Even if you are struggling in some areas, there is ALWAYS good.  Things such as the beauty of the sky, the feel of the warm wind on your face, the comfort of a hug from a friend, etc. Identify these things and focus on them.
  1. Give to others. When you are giving time and resources to your community and those in need you will find happiness. Focusing on others and what you can share will bring you joy. When you lighten the load for someone else, you lighten it for yourself.
  1. Evaluate your values and needs to identify what is most important to you. Then, find ways to incorporate those things into your daily life. You may realize that your values reflect your personal needs. When you are being true to your values, you will feel happy.
  1. Review your goals to find the motivation behind them. For example, if you want to make more money so you can buy a boat, you may discover that what you really want is to do fun things with your family. You think the boat will facilitate that togetherness. However, there are other ways to get the same result.  More stuff isn’t usually the answer.
  1. Create a Gratitude Journal. When you write about things that delight you on a daily basis, you will be pleased to discover that your life holds many things that bring you joy. You will also be surprised to note that as you focus on the good, more good things come your way. Also, you will realize that most things that bring you true happiness don’t cost anything.

It’s important to remember that you always have the power to be happy and appreciate all the wonder in your life.  Being happy is a choice.  Choose to be happy right now by focusing on what you have, not what you don’t have. You’ll find that you probably have all that’s necessary to enjoy your life, enjoy your loved ones, and to smile every day.

Please comment so others can benefit from your wisdom and experience. 

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If you’d like to bring positive changes into your life, we have the perfect thing for you.  Check out The Rapid Power Pack, and begin to create the life of your dreams. 

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