In our podcast, Your Personal Power Pod, we often talk about the importance of doing what makes your heart sing. In a world full of responsibilities, obligations, and societal expectations, you [...]
Rick was frustrated with his job. He was good at it but was feeling that he wasn’t “fulfilling his life purpose.” Over the years Rick had many jobs and excelled at them all, but always felt an [...]
Choosing to be happy is something you can do, regardless of what you have. The following are 5 steps you can take to find the joy in your life and be happy.
Ben is one of my favorite clients. We’ve worked together for six months, and during that time he’s achieved many business and personal goals. He has the vision to know what he wants and the [...]
Josh didn’t understand why he was frustrated and dissatisfied with his life. He’s 38 years old, works hard and is successful in his profession. Everyone tells him he’s doing well and is a lucky [...]