Positive Vibes — A House is Just a Box
John – For the longest time, all I ever wanted was a stable home. When I was growing up my house was filled with chaos; organized chaos would be a better characteristic. There was a lot of clutter and disorganization, and also a lot of yelling and drama, and very little just calmly talking. As a result, I felt my house was not the most stable or happy place to be.
Today, I live in the most wonderful home in the world. Not because it is huge and overly extravagant, but because it is humble, quaint, uncluttered and filled with the people I love. We share our existence together calmly and peacefully. My house is a sanctuary where I can retreat from the rest of the world.
Yes, it’s a box, really; the box that houses my stuff. It has some things I love too, but they can be replaced within 20 minutes if I look hard enough on Amazon – a new t-shirt, Kel’s sunglasses, the dog’s bed. So I am not obsessed with things. In the same vein, it takes very little to have a stable home – the ability to talk quietly, respect each other and love each other. Most importantly, it makes me feel safe.
Sandy, how do you view your home and what advice would you give someone looking to make their house more quaint?
Sandy – Hey John, it sounds like your childhood experiences helped you create the vision, and now the reality, of your current home. You learned what you don’t want, and then created the opposite.
In my world I make a big distinction between a house and a home. A house is a physical structure. It might be just a box, or something extravagant with towers and turrets. Either way, it’s just a building.
A home is where the love, support, respect, fun, laughter and safety are. The physical structure doesn’t matter. It can be a tent, an RV, a small home or a mansion. A home is about the people and how they inhabit the structure.
I’ve noticed that having a calm, loving home makes it much easier to go out into the world and do whatever we do out there. Knowing we have a safe haven to return to makes all the difference.
I’m glad you’ve created that for yourself, and know that you and Kelly will take it with you wherever you go.
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