Are You Living Your Purpose?
Rick was frustrated with his job. He was good at it but felt he wasn’t “fulfilling his life purpose.”
Rick was frustrated with his job. He was good at it but felt he wasn’t “fulfilling his life purpose.”
In our podcast, Your Personal Power Pod, we often talk about the importance of doing what makes your heart sing. In a world full of responsibilities, obligations, and societal expectations, you [...]
When I feel overwhelmed and scattered, I remind myself to stop, take a deep breath, and just ‘be present.’ It makes all the difference.
Electronics seem to have replaced human interaction. It’s now common to see several people walking down the street together, but totally ignoring each other as they listen to their iPods or talk [...]
When presented with a stressful circumstance, do you react or respond? A lot of people think these words mean the same thing, but they are actually quite different.
This year, with the political situation, the virus situation, and a devastating fire in our area, many people have found that the plans they entered 2020 with have shattered
This year as we approach the holiday season, I find that instead of my usual excitement and anticipation, I’m feeling kind of lost. Before the year of Covid we had our traditions, and celebrated [...]
Have you ever had just 10 minutes to decide what is most important in your life? To look at a lifetime of things you’ve accumulated and choose to take what you can carry? A few days ago, my [...]
John: I am trying to do something outside my comfort zone at least once a week. This week, it is doing a nightly walk. I am making an effort to get outside after the workday is done, away from my [...]
John: Sandy, we were talking about congruence last week, when we do as we say and say what we do. I wonder why this is hard? It isn’t. It seems like basic follow through. How do you get [...]
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