What is Coaching all About?

 In Coaching

When people ask me what coaching is all about, I tell them that when you spend time with a business or life coach, it’s about defining and achieving your goals, and the focus is always on you. Together you and your coach look at where you are, where you want to go, and what might be holding you back. You then collaborate to define your goals and create action plans to move you towards them, and your coach is your partner, with you all the way to provide encouragement, support, and accountability.

Rather than trying to explain how it all works, I thought you might be interested in some reviews from former clients. Hopefully, they will help you learn more about how powerful and life-changing spending time with a coach can be.

Nancy from Rogue River, Oregon says:

“Before Sandy became my coach, I was having difficulty getting my life “put together” and keeping it together. Sandy has shown me how to break things down, define each need, and do what is necessary to fulfill that particular need. Then move on to the next. I’ve learned that as one piece is put in order, some of the other pieces automatically follow.”

Cathy from Medford, Oregon says:

“Sandy has helped me to understand that I’m not defined as a person by what I do for a living. By learning how to appropriately distance myself emotionally from the day-to-day stress, I am a happier and more productive person.”

Peter from Ft. Worth, Texas says:

“Sandra helps me focus on goals and the steps I need to take to meet them. But her insights aren’t really about achievement; they are about something even better. Identifying what a person really wants. It is easy to get lost in the confusion of a busy life. Sandra helps you see through the clutter and muddle and identify the important things.”

Deborah from Castro Valley, California says:

“Sandy’s coaching enabled me to see ways I’d been undermining myself and staying in a stuck place.  Her objective questions and observations shone new lights on old behaviors I’d made.  Being free of them opened a whole new perspective for me; one in which I can make choices that hadn’t seemed possible before.”

Curt from Medford, Oregon says:

“Sandy has helped me realize how to enjoy the balance in my life.  Initially, I thought she would help me with my business, which she has, but more than that, she has helped put my work in perspective for the rest of my life.  She has helped me sort through the personal clutter and enabled me to focus on what I enjoy and believe is important in my life.”

Kim from Portland, Oregon says:

“Sandy asks pertinent questions to get to the heart of my personal/professional goals.  She listens to my answers with her full attention and responds with insightful, clear advice tailor-made for me.  The result is a coaching experience that is focused, effective and fun.  As luxurious as a private golf lesson or learning to cook from an expert chef, this weekly phone call is all about fashioning the perfect life for me, as Sandy and I frankly delve into one not-so-perfect scenario at a time.”

These are just a few examples of how powerful coaching can be.

So, if you find that your personal or business life is OK but not really all you want it to be, you might want to give coaching a try. Just email me at [email protected] and put Coaching in the subject line so we can talk about the ways you can create the life you dream of. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.


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