Hooray, you are now in Module 7!

Many congratulations for staying with the program and moving ahead with your life.

Values and Perspective

This week is the best yet, because it’s the compilation of all you’ve done so far. In this Module you will revisit the Parental and Cultural Values list from Module One, but this time you’ll look at it from YOUR perspective. You will become clear about what YOUR values, attitudes and beliefs are now that you know that you’re an independent, capable, competent adult who has what it takes to live the life you want.

As you move through the list of values, you’ll probably find that many of your current values are similar to those you were raised with. Values such as ‘obey the law’, ‘pay your bills on time’, ‘treat others with respect’, and ‘be responsible and kind,’ are ones you probably like and want to continue to keep. They define the person you are in your current life, and you’ve chosen to maintain them.

However, you will also find others from long ago that no longer fit the adult you are now and the culture you live in.

The exciting thing is that you have the right and power to rewrite those values, attitudes and beliefs, and turn them into ones that fit the person you are today and want to be in the future.

Please download the work sheets below to get started.

HOORAY!! Many Congratulations!

You’ve now completed your Feeling Good About You Breakthrough!

In the process you’ve  worked hard to look at and confront old demons that were holding you back, and given yourself permission to let go of those that were getting in the way of your ability to see the amazing person you are..

Now you know that you are strong, powerful and an incredible human being!

We hope that now when you look in the mirror you will be able to smile and say, “Wow, I like this person!”

You are now FREE TO BE YOU, which is what positive self-esteem is all about.

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