Are You Trustworthy?

 In Relationships

This week I know several people who are dealing with trust situations.  One of them is having problems with a friend who is talking negatively about her to others, another is feeling betrayed by a client who is acting in an untrustworthy manner, and a third is struggling because he has a relative who says he will do things, and then always lets him down.

Since trust seems to be the topic of the week, it seems like a good time to talk about it.

Trust – The Most Important Ingredient

As we all know, trust is one of the most important ingredients in every relationship.  Being able to trust someone implies they are accountable, predictable, honest, reliable, and honor their word.  For any kind of relationship to happen all people involved must be able to trust one another.

Whether it’s with your family, friends, clients, customers, employees, or vendors, if there is no mutual trust, there is no solid foundation for your relationship.

This is something we all know, but sometimes forget.

Occasionally it’s helpful to re-evaluate things we take for granted in order to see where we currently stand.  We may have terrific intentions, but not be living up to our expectations.

The question is, are YOU trustworthy?

Are You Accountable?

Here is what to look at.

Are you accountable?

Accountability means that you accept responsibility for your actions, and will always be accountable for your behavior. You can be relied on to follow through and make things right.  Your word is your bond, and if something goes wrong, you do not pass the buck or blame others. You own it!

Are you predictable?

Predictability implies a consistency in your behavior.  Some people think that being predictable is boring, but in matters of relationships, people have to be able to predict that your behavior will be consistent.  When customers come to your shop they want to know that they will always be greeted with a friendly smile and courteous service.  When you go to a restaurant, you have to know that the food will consistently be good, every time. When you have surgery, you need to know your doctor will always do an excellent job. There is no room for variation or “a bad day”.

If your friends, family and clients can consistently predict that their experience with you will be positive, they will stay loyal.  However, if the quality of your interactions, service or product is sporadic and inconsistent, people won’t know what to expect. They will feel uncomfortable and leave.

Are you reliable?

Reliability means that you are dependable. You do what you say you will do, every time, with no excuses.  People can count on you, and know if you say it, it will happen.  For trust to exist, everyone you deal with must know they can count on you to follow through.

Are you honest?

Honesty means you tell the truth, and if you say something people can count on it being true.  If you lie, people will know, you will have no credibility.  If they can believe what you say, they will never trust you.

Building Trust

We all know that trust is slow and difficult to build and very easy to break.  Once it’s broken it takes a long time to rebuild, and sometimes can never be fully repaired.  If you are having trouble with a relationship, I would bet that someone involved is not exhibiting one of these qualities, and somehow the mutual trust has been broken.

You might want to ask yourself how predictable, accountable, reliable and honest are you.  Can all the people in your life consistently count on you to honor what you say, know it is true, and expect follow through of appropriate action in a timely manner?

You also might want to look at how trustworthy the people you deal with are.  Can you count on them to fulfill their part of whatever your interaction with them is?

The question to ask yourself is, “am I trustworthy?  Do I deserve, and continue to earn, the trust of others?”  Also, do I surround myself with like-minded people?”

It’s something to keep in mind and examine frequently.

Please comment so others can benefit from your wisdom and experience. 

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