Positive Vibes — An Inside Job
The reality is that it’s up to each of us to take responsibility for where we are in our lives. Not only emotionally, but also financially, physically, professionally, in relationships, and [...]
The reality is that it’s up to each of us to take responsibility for where we are in our lives. Not only emotionally, but also financially, physically, professionally, in relationships, and [...]
Introverts are usually friendly and nice people, just as extroverts are. They might need to push themselves a bit to get out into the world, but when they do they have a good time.
Anytime is a great time to review the past year and discover what you’ve learned. Then to plan for the coming year and what you want to make happen in the next twelve months. Remember that the [...]
Goeke talks about a zen story that goes something like this: A Zen master was given a beautifully crafted crystal cup. It was a gift from a former student. He was very grateful. Every day, he [...]
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